It's time to Level Up! The 360 Empowerment Giveaway is here to empower you to take your knowledge, skills, and business to the next LEVEL. Good luck!


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Tools & Resources









tools & resources

Hello, there!

Ready to put context to your knowledge and turn it into practical application? You're in the right place. Let's get started!

For Industry professionals

For Industry Partners

Teaching Healthcare Professionals about the complexities of dizziness, Balance disorders, & Concussion

 Let's navigate this intricate landscape together, equipping each other with the tools and strategies needed for comprehensive assessment and treatment. Together, we can bridge the gap in understanding, ensuring every patient receives the care they deserve.

Efficient care is key to optimizing patient outcomes

Custom Website  Design & Copy

We're here to create a website that works as hard as you do. Imagine a seamless website experience that not only looks stunning but speaks directly to your audience, capturing your passion, and strategically conveying your message with compelling copy.  

You deserve a website you can be proud of! We will do the heavy lifting for you and create a digital presence that is not just seen, but felt and remembered. 

Now you can get custom website experience with strategic design & copy without navigating the tech jungle or breaking the bank.

Your website holds the potential to be the hardest working member of your team.

Your brand and website are vital extensions of your professional identity. With strategic website design and copy, your reach extends far beyond your office doors, directly into the lives of those that need your services/products most.

The reality? 



It's time for a high performing, completely customizable website, and when you're ready, a strategic marketing strategy tailored to get you found by those who matter most. We're not just about creating sleek websites; we're about crafting journeys. We design every step so you can zero in on what truly matters - your passion. 


Foundations of
Vestibular Rehabilitation:
A Practical Approach

INTRODUCING our new ebook

Get instant access to the Foundations of Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach eBook! Designed to provide you with essential insights into vestibular assessment and treatment - a solid foundation for your ongoing education and professional growth.

Perfect for both new practitioners and experienced clinicians seeking to enhance their vestibular practice. 

build your expertise from fundamentals to clinical application



Certificate of Competency in Vestibular Rehab (CCVR) 3.0 Course

Big News Alert! Our flagship CCVR Certification Course has undergone a major upgrade from version 2.0 to 3.0! Imagine all the quality content you trust, now supercharged with dedicated lessons on updated vestibular diagnostics, treatments, and current clinical insights.

$997 / One Time Payment

FAQ bank of ALL previous CCVR courses

clinical reasoning assignments

Key Concept recordings feature expert-led, updated insights for each lesson

Easy Payment Options
Pay in full or in monthly payments

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$498.50 / X2 Months

Big News Alert!

Certificate of Competency in Concussion Management (CCCM) Course

Enrollment is closed! Stay tuned for upcoming course dates. The CCCM Course provides you a convenient and flexible path to advanced training in concussion management through online coursework and a final examination.

$498 / One Time Payment

6-week evidence-based competency course

clinical reasoning assignments

interactive modules, question banks, discussion boards, live chats

Easy Payment Options
Pay in full or in monthly payments

Stay tuned for upcoming dates

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$249 / X2 Months


A virtual conference to spark new ideas when assessing and treating vestibular, vision, cervical, concussion, balance, and gait! Practical strategies that you can put to use tomorrow and learning from peers who are navigating the same challenges.

$47 / One Time Payment

call for proposals; this is a golden opportunity to showcase YOU

3 days of LIVE trainings (with playbacks to accommodate your schedule)

TONS of strategies and community so you can take action

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3 Course Vestibular Rehab Track Bundle

Fortified with years of experience, our 3 Course Vestibular Rehab Bundle is chalked full of clinical pearls - invaluable bits of information that are designed to be immediately implemented into your practice. 

$1032 / One Time Payment

Intro to Vestibular Rehab Certificate Course

Practical Strategies in Vestibular Rehab Certificate Course

Certificate of Competency in Vestibular Rehab (CCVR) 3.0 Course

Easy Payment Options
Pay in full or in monthly payments

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$516 / X2 Months

Intro to Vestibular Rehab Certificate Course

Introductory information regarding vestibular assessment and treatment. Learn common vestibular-related terminology along with some of the major fundamental concepts, common diagnoses, and intro to assessment and treatment.

$97 / One Time Payment

Basic Anatomy and Physiology, BPPV, Peripheral Vestibular System

Exam & Treatment, Central Vestibular System, Case Studies

On-Demand Educational Sessions - vestibular assessment and treatment

enroll now

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Practical Strategies in Vestibular Rehab Certificate Course

Gain more insight into developing targeted questions for the intake to create a working and differential diagnosis. Learn the guiding principles of vestibular rehabilitation and how to transition from exam findings to interventions.

$197 / One Time Payment

guiding principles of vestibular rehabilitation 

transition from exam findings to interventions

targeted intake questions, what vestibular and/or bedside tests are indicated

enroll now

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INTEGRATE is a Multi-Sensory Integration Training Program. On-demand access to Oculomotor, VOR, and Optokinetic videos. Can be used in the clinic, training room, or as a home program.

$249 / One Time Payment

Over 100 Optokinetic, VOR, and Oculomotor videos

step-by-step instructions and directions  on how to implement the program

Customize with your brand - logo, name, and welcome message

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Easy Payment Options
Pay in full or in monthly payments

$124.50 / X2 Months

Introduction Vestibular Rehab Course Lesson Plans

Whether you're looking to teach a course, educate and train your staff, launch a profitable digital course, or simply build upon your growing library of resources, our ready-to-use instructional lesson plans are conveniently structured, saving you time and energy, so you can focus on what you do best!

$275 / One Time Payment

Detailed and comprehensive lesson scripts

Customizable PowerPoint slides

Sample evaluation form & lesson objectives

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The Dizziness and Balance Assessments & Treatments - A Clinical Guide for Healthcare Professionals | 1st Edition (spiral bound & digital publication formats now available) simplifies assessments and interventions.

$58 / Digital  $85 / Spiral Bound

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, vision & vestibular assessments, special tests

treatment activities: vision-related, vestibular-related, special Topics activities

library of articles, videos, and additional resources in 360Neurogo

buy  now

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Clinical Guide for Healthcare Professionals | 1st Edition



Vestibular Visionaries 


Get access to a treasure trove of resources in 360NeuroGO designed expressly for healthcare professionals like you!

  • 360NeuroGO Premium Plan - Get instant access to unlimited premium content with assessments, treatments, and tools in the VestibularGO, CervicalGO, VisionGO, and ConcussionGO spaces. Includes over 100 Optokinetic, Oculomotor, and VOR videos, plus Nystagmus videos to use for classifying nystagmus or as resource tools. Jump into high-level conversations in our very popular 'What's on your mind?' space!
  • 360NeuroGO Enterprise Plan - If you're looking to access 40+ hours of exemplary education as well as all of the features in 360NeuroGO Premium, this is the plan for you. Earn CEUs on select courses. Grab that cup of tea, explore our ever-growing educational suite, and design your course schedule! (includes Premium Plan)
  • 360NeuroGO Vestibular Visionaries Network Plan - The VVN includes round table talks and a continuously expanding digital library that we build together! From complex cases, patient education handouts, referral marketing materials, smart goals, eval/assessment findings checklists, lead generators, social media templates, and more - all tailored to your unique needs. With VVN, your requests are met with a solution. (includes Premium & Enterprise Plans)

360NeuroGO Membership

hear from more members & students

Maurice Physiotherapist

I feel like I have a group of like minded therapists close by to discuss with. As well great and original ideas to make our therapy sessions more interesting and fun."

"Often visit the app, and although I live far away from most of you, 

Physical therapist

Such a great resource and group of people. I love the new evidence, the scope of vestibular and the ability to communicate with a group of people as vestibular is so intriguing and we are learning more every day."

"Just showing a co-worker all the resources that 360NeuroGO offers.

Physical therapist

I’m a HUGE fan of 360NeuroHealth and have learned so much and continue to learn so much here. What a priceless resource in this complicated and rewarding field."

"Since we’re on a new platform (thank you, Jeseka and Bridgett!)

Our Members Are Raving About Us

hear from more members & students

Maurice Physiotherapist

I feel like I have a group of like minded therapists close by to discuss with. As well great and original ideas to make our therapy sessions more interesting and fun."

"Often visit the app, and although I live far away from most of you, 

Physical therapist

Such a great resource and group of people. I love the new evidence, the scope of vestibular and the ability to communicate with a group of people as vestibular is so intriguing and we are learning more every day."

"Just showing a co-worker all the resources that 360NeuroGO offers.

Physical therapist

I’m a HUGE fan of 360NeuroHealth and have learned so much and continue to learn so much here. What a priceless resource in this complicated and rewarding field."

"Since we’re on a new platform (thank you, Jeseka and Bridgett!)

Say what

Our 360NeuroGO Members Are Raving About Us

Get the whole bundle!

Get these 18 Amazing Resources for FREE!

Get instant access to these resources in 360NeuroGO!

360NeuroGO is the place where healthcare professionals enhance their skills, implement strategies, and collaborate with each other from around the world! With over 1500+ members strong, get clarity, community, strategies, and all the support you need for each season of your healthcare journey.

That's right! It's FREE for the WHOLE bundle!

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Vestibular Visionaries Network

learn more

The Vestibular Visionaries Network includes round table talks and a continuously expanding digital library that we build together! From complex cases, patient education handouts, referral marketing materials, smart goals, eval/assessment findings checklists, lead generators, social media templates, and more - all tailored to your unique needs. With VVN, your requests are met with a solution. 

Includes Premium & Enterprise Plans

Enterprise Membership

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If you're looking to access 40+ hours of exemplary education as well as all of the features in 360NeuroGO Premium, this is the plan for you. Earn CEUs on select courses. Grab that cup of tea, explore our ever-growing educational suite, and design your course schedule!

Includes the Premium Plan

Premium Membership

learn more

Get instant access to unlimited premium content with assessments, treatments, and tools in the VestibularGO, CervicalGO, VisionGO, and ConcussionGO spaces. Includes over 100 Optokinetic, Oculomotor, and VOR videos, plus Nystagmus videos to use for classifying nystagmus or as resource tools. Jump into high-level conversations in our very popular 'What's on your mind?' space!

Basic Membership

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Connect with fellow healthcare professionals virtually in live events, share ideas, and collaborate with other attendees, and get access to basic playbacks, the latest news, & updates.


Dizziness and Balance Assessments & Treatments - A Clinical Guide for Healthcare Professionals | 1st Edition


It can often feel like a complex maze finding the right approaches for our patients.

The Dizziness and Balance Assessments & Treatments - A Clinical Guide for Healthcare Professionals | 1st Edition (spiral bound & digital publication formats now available) simplifies assessments and interventions, offers clear progressions, and provides valuable insights for a better understanding when assessing and treating patients with dizziness and balance disorders.

Introduction Vestibular Rehabilitation Course Lesson Plans 

Whether you're looking to teach a course, educate and train your staff, launch a profitable digital course, or simply build upon your growing library of resources, our ready-to-use instructional lesson plans are conveniently structured, saving you time and energy, so you can focus on what you do best!

Includes Basic Anatomy & Physiology, An Overview of the Vestibular System, BPPV, Peripheral Vestibular System, Exam & Treatment, Central Vestibular System, and Case Studies Lesson Plans


INTEGRATE is a Multi-Sensory Integration Training Program. On-demand access to Oculomotor, VOR, and Optokinetic videos. Can be used in the clinic, training room, or as a home program.

Over 100 Optokinetic, VOR, and Oculomotor videos with step-by-step instructions and directions on how to implement the program.

Nystagmus Quick Reference Guide

This clear and concise digital quick guide provides an effective overview of nystagmus. It includes supporting information and resources to better understand the most encountered forms of nystagmus.

Use as a practical study aid or reference to incorporate value-added knowledge into your workflow!


Saccades Assessment + Accommodative Agility with Saccades Training Sample Treatment
[Quick Guide]


5 Steps to Perform the Zuma Maneuvers
[Quick Guide]

A 5-visit progression using the 'Simplify Vestibular' Kit [Slide Deck]



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