Hello, there!
As frequently stated by neuro-optometrist and 360 Neuro Health faculty member, Dr. DeAnn Fitzgerald: It’s a brain thang!
Our nervous system controls everything we do. When it works well, you work well…your patients/clients work well. When there is dysfunction in the nervous system, however, there is typically dysfunction in the ability to carry out daily activities whether it’s daily chores, work demands, recreational activities, or sports. Dysfunction can occur from anything that disrupts our central or peripheral nervous system, and this includes our autonomic nervous system.
The good news: neuroplasticity!
Regardless of age, our brains are capable of change. Research has shown whether our aim is recovering from an event/illness that disrupts our nervous system or our goal is improving performance from a healthy state that exercise (physical and mental) enhances our brains.
So, watch the playback to learn more about our product, INTEGRATE – an on-demand program of oculomotor, vestibular ocular reflex, and optokinetic videos to use in your practice, as a home program, or in the training room. We review the principles behind training, progression of training, how to navigate the program, and answer additional questions you may have.
On-demand access to Oculomotor, VOR, and Optokinetic videos. Can be used in the clinic, training room, or as a home program.
An ever-growing collection of Optokinetic, VOR, and Oculomotor videos with step-by-step instructions and direction on how to implement the program.
Customize with your brand – logo, name, and welcome message. Use in the clinic or easily share with your patients as a home therapy tool. Can also be utilized as an athletic enhancement program.
Join us for our regularly scheduled webinars and utilize our community of experts and peers to provide guidance on using the program.
48 Optokinetic (OPK) videos – 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 120 seconds. Options for a fixed target in the center, to a moving target, to a moving target with a cognitive task, to no target. Stripes move right, left, up, and down.
Optokinetic sample video – 10 Seconds Up with Center Target
20 Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) videos – 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds. Fixed target on blue or optokinetic background at 120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 beats/min.
VOR sample video – 180 bpm with Pineapple Target on OPK Background
15 Saccades videos. Options for a blue, fixed, or moving background. The videos also have a cognitive task by asking the person to say aloud the number in the target.
Saccades sample video – Football with Number Plain Background
19 Smooth Pursuit videos. Options for a blue, image, or moving background. Additional videos with dual tasking option – tracking a primary target while pointing at other targets moving in the background.
Smooth Pursuit sample video – Soccer Ball Moving Fixed Background
Get on-demand access to our new multi-sensory integration training program. INTEGRATE can be used in the clinic, training room, or as a home program. Visit our shop to learn more.
INTEGRATE is used by healthcare professionals as a supportive product in the assessment and treatment of visual-vestibular related impairments. The use of the INTEGRATE videos is intended to be given under the direction and supervision of a clinician. We cannot provide recommendations on individual use. Watching these videos should not be done without guidance and clearance from a healthcare provider.
For practical strategies and updates follow us on Insta @360neurohealth