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Foundations of
Vestibular Rehabilitation:
A Practical Approach

INTRODUCING our new ebook

Perfect for both new practitioners and experienced clinicians seeking to enhance their vestibular practice. 

Get instant access to the Foundations of Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach eBook! Designed to provide you with essential insights into vestibular assessment and treatment - a solid foundation for your ongoing education and professional growth.

build your expertise from fundamentals to clinical application


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designed to offer you a solid foundation, setting the stage for your evolution into a lifelong learner and dedicated practitioner in the dynamic field of vestibular therapy


Reviews the three types of dizziness including mechanical, peripheral, or central


Discusses the assessment and treatment of posterior canal BPPV (mechanical vestibular dysfunction) utilizing the Epley maneuver


Reviews the assessment of unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction and basic vestibular adaptation exercises


Discusses central vestibular dysfunction and appropriate treatment strategies

Here's the
Table of Contents

A practical guide to the vestibular evaluation, including oculomotor exam, head impulse test, & dynamic visual acuity testing with a focus on VOR training exercises for dizziness

Exam & Treatment

A review of peripheral vestibular dysfunction, including Alexander's Law and key clinical findings such as positive head impulse test and balance impairments

Peripheral Vestibular System

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) - a mechanical dysfunction that is the most common and treatable cause of positional vertigo 

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

A review of the 3 sensory systems for balance, the mCTSIB, 3 types of vestibular dysfunction, and the importance of the patient intake (or subjective report)

An Overview of the Vestibular System 

Basic understanding of vestibular anatomy and physiology forms the foundation for understanding vestibular disorders and their treatment approaches.

Basic Anatomy and Physiology

Here's what's inside:

Table of Contents

Real-world applications of vestibular rehabilitation concepts through 4 patient scenarios, showing assessment approaches, clinical reasoning, and treatment planning

Case Studies

A review of central vestibular dysfunction, differential characteristics from peripheral disorders, and specific management considerations

Central Vestibular System

Get instant access for only $37!

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Left Dix Hallpike Test​
Left Dix Hallpike Test​ with Video Goggles
Left Posterior Canal​ BPPV
Right Posterior Canal BPPV​
Epley Maneuver
Alexander’s Law​
Spontaneous Nystagmus
Head Thrust Test​
VOR x 1
Central Nystagmus

Also includes:

Supplemental videos

 This resource aims to not only augment your professional skills but also to support your commitment to improving patient outcomes through the application of evidence-based, innovative practices.

The Foundations of Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach eBook provides an in-depth look into essential vestibular-related terminology, fundamental concepts, and the management strategies for three types of vestibular dysfunction, including mechanical, peripheral, or central. Delve into techniques for the assessment and management of posterior canal BPPV using the Epley maneuver, basic vestibular adaptation exercises for unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction, and gain insights into the appropriate treatment methodologies for central vestibular dysfunction. 

This resource is designed to empower healthcare professionals with a comprehensive foundation in vestibular assessment and treatment.


Due to the products' nature (digital goods), all sales are final.

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A 40 page PDF file with direct links to supplemental videos

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As soon as you purchase the Foundations of Vestibular Rehabilitation eBook, you'll get instant access as well as an email with a link to download.

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This eBook is for students, novice practicing clinicians, and seasoned healthcare professionals looking to optimize outcomes and improve efficiency in their daily practice.

who is this ebook for?





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Perfect for both new practitioners and experienced clinicians seeking to enhance their vestibular practice!

Foundations of Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach


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