Register for free below and join us for an interactive discussion on the following 5 Nystagmus Video Cases!
We will watch each nystagmus case video and answer questions specific to each case.
Nystagmus Video: Case 1
A 27-yo-male with the acute onset of vertigo and angina post-COVID. He was seen in the ED, having a normal cardiac work-up and imaging. He reports having vertiginous symptoms for almost three weeks. He denied otologic symptoms.
Nystagmus Video: Case 2
A 66-yo-male post-concussion w/onset of vertigo lasting for days followed by residual positional vertigo that is worse with rolling over in bed, looking up, and bending over. He was seen in the ED, imaging and cardiac work-up normal. He had some tinnitus in the beginning, which has since resolved.
Nystagmus Video: Case 3
A 31-year-old male who presented to the clinic with the sudden onset of vertigo and unilateral hearing loss 4 days ago. He had been recovering from a sinus infection and saw his primary care, who prescribed an antibiotic and referred him to an ENT. The following day, however, he began to have a gradual onset of dizziness and unsteadiness that progressed to vertigo with N&V and hearing loss. His vertigo resolved within 3 hours, but he continues to have tinnitus and unilateral hearing loss. He. He is not scheduled to see the ENT for 1 month, so his primary care referred him to an outpatient therapy and vestibular testing center for further assessment.
Nystagmus Video: Case 4
A 73-year-old female referred for positional vertigo. She described her vertigo as the room spinning that was provoked by position changes, such as lying down in bed, rolling over, and bending over to dry her hair. She notes it is worse when she rolls over onto her right side. She denies any notable nausea but does have some unsteadiness for a minute or two afterward.
Nystagmus Video: Case 5
A 78-year-old male who was referred to the clinic for dizziness and unsteadiness, having fallen several times in the last 3 months. He has had imaging which was essentially normal. He reports having unsteadiness for years, but it has worsened significantly in the last 8-9 months. He has tried to use a cane but it only gets in his way and he often trips over it.
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See you there!
Could I please get the playback for this webinar. I didn’t know the time it would be on and I missed it.
Thank you.