Over 100 optokinetic, VOR, and oculomotor videos with step-by-step instructions and direction on how to implement the program.
Customize with your brand – logo, name, welcome message, and contact information. Use in the clinic or easily share with your patients as a home therapy tool. Can also be utilized as an athletic enhancement program. (optional)
Ask questions, share resources, and connect with our network of experts and peers to provide guidance on using the videos and program.
On-demand access to Oculomotor, VOR, and Optokinetic videos. Can be used in the clinic, training room, or as a home program.
and many more!
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How many videos are there total?
There are 126 total videos: 48 Optokinetic videos, 44 Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR), 19 Smooth Pursuit videos, and 15 Saccades videos.
How long does it take for me to receive my customized link?
- Once you purchase INTEGRATE, you will be directed to a form where you will provide us with your information. It will take up to 5 to 7 days to receive your customized link.
How do I share this with patients/clients?
The program can be accessed by a private link with login credentials.
What is the recommendation on how to begin the program?
These videos are provided when deemed appropriate from the evaluation. Every successful treatment outcome begins with an accurate assessment. The individual should be able to keep the object as stable and clear as possible before increasing the difficulty. Exercises may increase their symptoms. If so, allow the individual to rest. A sample guideline to follow is the 5 minute rule. If their symptoms decrease within 5 minutes of rest, then you can continue. It is recommended that you begin the program in a more stable position (e.g., standing) and progress to less stable positions (e.g., standing on a firm surface with a wide base of support to more narrow then progressing to unstable surfaces) and perform at varying distances from the screen.
What is the recommended screen size for the OPK videos?
Although there is currently no clearly defined parameters on screen size, it is generally agreed that a phone is too small, so using a larger desktop screen or television monitor is recommended (Pavlou, 2013).
What is the recommended screen size for the VOR videos?
The VOR treatment videos can be viewed on any device. It is recommended to view the oculomotor treatment videos on larger screens.
Can I get a refund on INTEGRATE?
No, we do not offer refunds on this product.
By using and/or accessing this web application, you acknowledge and agree that the web application provided is not certified as a medical device and is not intended for any diagnostic use. You further acknowledge and agree that at all times you will use and access such tools solely in connection with your clinical training; in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; and in accordance with any user documentation. At no time shall this web application be used to diagnose; be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatments, or replace any diagnosis, recommendation, advice, treatment or decision by another appropriately trained and licensed provider. The use of this web application should fall within the scope of practice of the provider/user.
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